(CROatian Land Information System)

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European Environment Agency workshop for LIFE CROLIS

On 15th and 29th January 2025 the European Environment Agency and its partners held a workshop for the LIFE CROLIS project on the use of CLC+.


The LIFE CROLIS project deals with the development of a harmonized data model for land monitoring in the Republic of Croatia. The establishment of the Croatian Land Information System will enable the linking and processing of data on land cover and land use from various sources and their use for the purposes of sustainable economic, spatial and overall development of the Republic of Croatia.

The CROLIS model will be designed by integrating existing information systems and data on land use (LU) and land cover (LC) with publicly available services and long-term data from the Sentinel satellite of the EU’s Copernicus Programme, with the aim of identifying, monitoring and providing a historical overview of the state of and changes in land use and land cover.

Grassland (GL)
Forest area (FL)
Cropland (CL) divided into the perennial cropland types
Settlement areas (SL)
Other land (OL)
Wetlands (WL)

01.10.2020. – 31.12.2026.

Duration of the project

€ 6.248.735

Total value

€ 2.588.207

EU co-financing

Project objectives


To develop and set up the first multi-scale and multi-purpose land monitoring system in Croatia.


To apply CROLIS data for LULUCF reporting and accounting purposes in line with the requirements of international (UNFCCC, KP, PA) and EU legislation – the second demonstrative character of the CROLIS project.


To enable and ensure permanent CROLIS implementation by national authorities, decision makers, experts, NGOs and other stakeholders.


To provide a robust basis for planning and implementation of GHG mitigation actions in the land use sector.


The project is implemented through five groups of project actions.

Preparatory actions include those which are necessary for establishment of the project, hiring of the project team, procurement of equipment and setting up of the right framework for the successful implementation of this very demanding project.

Implementation actions represent the central part of the LIFE CROLIS project.

Monitoring and evaluation actions, using key performance indicators (KPIs), are important for monitoring project progress, managing risks and achieving the expected results and intended objectives.

Communication and dissemination of project results are important elements for receiving multiple benefits from the project, by applying the knowledge and experience gained in this project to other projects.

Project management actions are related to project administration, managing project finances and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the established CROLIS through the AfterLIFE plan.




The LIFE CROLIS project team is conducting a survey on awareness of climate change, its impact on everyday life and the impact of different economic sectors on greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate change.

We kindly ask you to spare a few minutes of your time and complete this survey, which will help us get valuable information useful for the LIFE CROLIS project.

The questionnaire can be accessed at the following link: