Implementation of the CROLIS Pilot Project at the Paying Agency has begun

On 31st May 2023, the Agency for Payments in Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development started implementing the CROLIS Pilot Project to support the development of ARKOD+ (plus) and CROLIS LU initial layer.
The pilot project will be implemented through seven work packages, starting with the analysis of spatial data and implementation methodology proposals, the development and implementation of at least two proposed algorithms for the implementation of supervised automatic classification in selected zones, and the analysis and testing of the results of classifications in selected zones. In the key, fourth work package, algorithms will be selected which will then be implemented on the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia. After that, in the fifth work package, proposals will be formulated for future methods and types of implementation of field visits and preparation of “ground truth” data, while in the sixth work package, an open GIS browser will be launched. A three-month corrective maintenance will follow, during which the settings will be updated according to needs.
By applying automatic classification and vectorization from SENTINEL 2 and digital orthophoto maps at a scale of 1:5000, the CROLIS Pilot project will result in initial layers for agricultural areas located outside ARKOD, as well as a classification of the entire area of the Republic of Croatia according to types of use for the main six reporting classes : forests, grasslands, crops/plantations, wetlands, settlements and other land.
By applying automatic classification and vectorization from SENTINEL 2 and digital orthophoto maps at a scale of 1:5000, the CROLIS Pilot project will result in initial layers for agricultural areas located outside ARKOD, as well as a classification of the entire area of the Republic of Croatia according to types of use for the main six reporting classes: forests, grasslands, crops/plantations, wetlands, settlements and other land. The implementation of the pilot project of creating ARKOD+ (plus) and CROLIS LU of the initial layer of Activity C3 will end on December 15th of this year.
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