LIFE CROLIS at the “LIFE Projects Fair”

The LIFE CROLIS project presented its current results at the LIFE Program conference held on September 17, 2024, at the Sheraton Hotel in Zagreb. Around one hundred participants from various sectors attended to learn about the achievements and potential of the LIFE Program in financing the green transition in Croatia.

Opening remarks by the State Secretary in the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy, Anja Bagarić, and Iva Novak, Director of the Directorate for Strategic Planning and Coordination of EU Funds in the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, highlighted the importance of the LIFE Program in implementing the green policies to which the EU has committed as part of its long-term climate neutrality strategy by 2050.

Following a panel discussion on the goals of green policies, experiences, and implementation challenges, which included Igor Kreitmeyer, Director of the Directorate for Nature Protection in the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy, and Sanja Genzić Jurišević from the Directorate for Water Management and Sea Protection in the same ministry, Vjekoslav Jukić, Head of the Sector for Energy Policy and Planning in the Ministry of Economy, and Miljenko Sedlar from REGEA, moderated by Nikolina Petković Gregorić, a presentation of Croatian LIFE projects was held in the adjacent hall. Representatives at the stands answered questions and provided promotional materials.

The LIFE CROLIS project establishes the Croatian Land Information System. CROLIS will be an indispensable tool in planning the long-term climate neutrality strategy by 2050. The project manager presented the results and specific steps in developing the methodology for identifying land use methods to balance greenhouse gas emissions and sinks and answered questions from interested conference participants.

Additionally, you can access the presentation here.

For more information on the LIFE Conference please check the LIFE Croatia web page.

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