C Implementation Actions

C2 Sample Based System for Historic LC and LU

In order to achieve the EU target of 55% of emissions reduction by 2030 compared to the emissions in the base year (1990), accurate data on emissions/removals from LULUCF sector are required. According to the IPCC methodology, further stratification of data (e.g., forest areas presented by soil types and ecological zones instead of performing the estimation based only on one ecological zone) ensures more accurate emission/emission removal estimations and enables a better planning of measures for emission reduction and increase of removal. According to the IPCC methodology, in the analysis of LC and LU changes, it is necessary to collect historical data. For this purpose, historical aerial photogrammetric images collected from 1968 to 2020 will be used, which will be arranged in many layers of images. In order to increase the reliability of the interpretation, stratification according to height zones, environmental and climate zones, soil types and agricultural production areas will be applied.

The identification of LC changes will be done based on the developed data model and it will include at least the following categories:

  • Forest land (FL)
  • Cropland (CL) divided into the perennial cropland types
  • Grassland (GL)
  • Wetlands (WL)
  • Settlements (SL)
  • Other land (OL)

Land cover changes between these categories and subcategories based on monitoring the test plots in the systematic grid by using orthophotos taken over time.

Following actions


Mapping of LC and LU (wall-to-wall mapping) for the establishment of land monitoring system

This Action involves mapping the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia and the complete separation of collected data into two data models: data on land cover and data on land use. Data on land cover will be collected based on annual satellite images, while data on land use will be collected from state and public institutions. 


CROLIS Database & Service implementation

Creation of a physical data base on land cover and land use necessary for the realization of the project and collected from all relevant data sets. Monitoring activities will be harmonized and effectively coordinated, and the results will be available for use by project partners, government bodies and other institutions. The system will also facilitate data exchange with international institutions and the European Commission.


Capacity building for CROLIS reporting

As part of this Action, several series of training-workshops focused on the development of professional and personnel capacities will be organized as the foundation on which the operation of the CROLIS system will rest. The training of key experts and other necessary personnel necessary for the operation of the CROLIS system is planned.