A Preparatory actions

A2 Purchase of the IT equipment for CROLIS relevant institutions

The project envisages the procurement of IT equipment for partner institutions involved in the implementation of the project. The planned purchase consists of:

  • Procurement of server equipment for the CROLIS system
  • Development of a software solution for the CROLIS system
  • Procurement of office workstations and computers, laptops, multifunctional printers and other equipment and specialized software for the preparation, modeling and processing of data entering the CROLIS system.

Following actions


Hiring of new persons for the CROLIS implementation

This Action envisages the planning, implementation of employment procedures and hiring a number of specialized experts in the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ekonerg d.o.o., the Agency for Payments in Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development and the State Geodetic Administration.


Issuing the Government decision which defines roles of institutions in the CROLIS implementation

This Action implies the preparation and adoption of the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia as a fundamental document on the establishment and sustainability of the CROLIS system.


Project establishment

The Action includes the organizational and technical preparation of the system for the implementation of the LIFE CROLIS project and the employment of project team members.