F Project management
F1 Overall project management
Due to its complexity, the LIFE CROLIS project includes acting on multiple levels. The task of the project team is to manage the processes and support the work of the management and advisory bodies of the project.
The Management Board consists of leading experts of all associated users. Members of the Management Board discuss technical issues and provide guidance to the Project Manager regarding possible technical solutions that ensure that all CROLIS actions and sub-actions are implemented on time. The Management Board is responsible for all decisions within the project.
The Steering Committee consists of one representative of each partner’s top management and directs and supervises the implementation of the project.
The Advisory Board provides technical advice and guidelines on the implementation of specific activities within each activity and ensures a high level of quality of the project activities necessary to achieve the project objectives.
Project management includes the organization of the implementation of activities, the preparation, management and storage of all project documentation, the preparation of the necessary base documents, the management of communications and promotion of the project, and the creation of reports foreseen by the project.
Following actions
This Action includes the financial monitoring of project progress and the establishment of the accounting system. At the very end of the project implementation, an independent external audit firm will be hired to review all financial and other relevant project documentation before submitting the final reports to the European Commission/CINEA.
AfterLife Plan
This Action implies the creation of a Plan on the long-term sustainability of the CROLIS system, which will define the obligations and duties of individual institutions in the post-implementation period. The plan will foresee possibilities of expansion and permanent improvement of the system. According to the Plan, within a period of five years after the completion of the project implementation, the beneficiary coordinator will submit annual reports to the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
Project establishment
The Action includes the organizational and technical preparation of the system for the implementation of the LIFE CROLIS project and the employment of project team members.